Friday, March 20, 2009

Feliz Primavera!

To all my readers, especially the folks way up north, you have probably felt the chill of winter for far too long. And my answer to you is the following:

La Huasteca, the magical mountain park where horses roam and donkeys bray from their posts in the shade. After a long weekend of rain, the rock-ridden valleys burst to life with vibrant green brush that reminds you how very little it rains in the desert. The urbanites of this 3.8 million-populated city come trickling in with their families, their go-karts and their portable grills to "pasarlo bien" in the almost surreal mountainscape.

Today is the first official day of Spring here and what brought this fact to my attention was catching a glimpse of a five year old completely decked out in a homemade yellow bird costume hopping into his family's car. With fluffy Big Bird feathers poking out every which way, I was delighted to see him yet puzzled as to what brought about the occasion. Then, over lunch, La Abuelita (who is also celebrating her birthday today!) informed us that many kids strolled down the street today dressed up as birds, butterflies and other precious creatures of Spring. Apparently, there was a parade this morning up by the elementary school in downtown Santa Catarina and the children welcomed the new season in all of their feathered and frilly finery.

P.S. A completely shameless side note--flights are really cheap right now from Chicago to Monterrey...Come one, come all!

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