Thursday, March 5, 2009

'Tis Time To Talk About Trabajo

Dear readers,

As I was returning home from work today, I realized that I've left you all largely in the dark about what exactly it is that I'm doing here to occupy my days for the past two months. And let me say that for starters, I've been catching up on sleep after three years of late night chatting that was a given in a long-distance relationship. My alarm clock is currently set to a very "rico" 10:45 am, which puts my previous workaholic self to shame a bit. Haha, but just a bit...for the meantime, I'm enjoying it and know that it won't last for long.

However, in an attempt to redeem myself, don't think it's been all serenades, wining and dining! I have been working steady for about the past month as a part-time English teacher at a small Canadian college that has its perks, such as very plush teaching conditions and its downfalls, like few hours per week. I'm not keen on my blog being seen by unwanted eyes, so I'll keep hush-hush on the specific details. But with that said, feel free to contact me personally for juicy info! Haha, but really, I'm overall happy with the situation for the time being, although the dearth of hours may keep me looking elsewhere in the future.

I teach two levels of classes--intermediate and advanced English for groups that range from about 4-8 students. All of the kids are studying the arts in some form, from fashion to graphic design to photography and they have to take English as a part of their studies. The classes are meant to be enrichment for them, as most of the students have taken many years of English and need to keep their language skills polished and ready. So, each week I get to choose a different topic of interest to them and we explore it. For example, last week we looked at the relation between fashion and politics and this week, we studied climate change and green design. It's a lot of planning, because the classes are long and I have to create the lessons from scratch, but I've been enjoying it.

But for the time being, I work just three days a week and am looking for ways to fill up my free time...I'm going to start up this weekend with classes at the nearby gym and have been spending some quality time with Camila, the next-door neighbor's chihuahua (see picture!). And upon seeing a music studio close by, I've even considered making good on the promise I always said I fulfill--to pick up a new musical instrument, like the violin! We shall see, we shall see, but for the time being, I'm content with leading a slightly more relaxed life, but fret not...more updates are to come!

1 comment:

  1. Any bibliotecas nearby? Training for marathons is a great time-killer, you're running around all the time and exhausted when you're not!
